Wednesday 24 October 2012

Analysis of Questionnaires and Target Audience Research - Mrs Frisender

Analysis of Questionnaires and Target Audience Research

My group created a questionnaire which we asked 20 people to complete so we would find out different opinions people of different ages had about thriller films. We asked certain questions which would help us when it comes to creating our thriller opening.

In our questionnaire we asked a number of quantitative questions to provide us with quantitative data. One of the questions was, 'Out of these conventional forms of iconography which do you find most effective?' The options we gave were; lamp, knife, mirror, rope, gun, dolls and mask. Our findings for this question was that knife, mirror, dolls and mask were the only options chosen, with mask being the favourite and mirror coming in close second. The results that have come out of the quantitative questions allows us to be more aware of what viewers enjoy seeing, and therefore we can include this in our thriller opening to enhance their experience while watching. 

Another question we asked was 'What is your preferred location for a thriller film?' The options we provided for this question was; prison cell, forest, garage, house, orphanage, rural/urban place, dark alley or other where they were asked to specify. Our findings showed that everyone that filled out the questionnaire chose one of the locations we provided and not their own preference. The most popular options were house and orphanage, with house being the favourite of the two. This illustrates to us that people prefer the film to feel realistic to them as their home is usual there comfort zone, and therefore we can also include this in our thriller opening to enhance their experience throughout.

In our questionnaire we also asked qualitative questions to produce qualitative data. From these questions we found out that the most popular thriller film amongst the viewers was The Strangers. This provides us with the information that the viewers are fans of shock, suspense and surprise and like the antagonist to have a hidden identity. This links to the fact that the viewers also answered that they enjoy the suspense, enigma and unexpected twists within thriller films, and also that they prefer the antagonist to have a hidden identity. We also found out that the most popular sub-genres were crime thriller, horror thriller and psychological thriller which will help us to produce a suitable storyline for our opening. 

From our questionnaire results we also found out that thriller audiences like for a murder or a chase to take place within the opening to keep them watching. This provides us with the information we need to create a gripping thriller opening where we can include popular aspects into it. We also established that the viewers believe that the use of sound helps to build up to the climax and keeps them on the edge of their seat. This allows us to be aware of what sound we should include to create a certain kind of effect upon the audience within our opening. 

1 comment:

  1. A well written and reflective blog that highlights your key findings from your detailed research. Confident use of media language. Excellent use of quantitative research questions to inform the planning of your own opening.

    Can you think about any elements that you have had to change to your opening based on the research outcomes? Also did you interview anyone for your qualitative data? If so it would be great for you to upload a video or voice recording of this and then discuss your findings.
