Friday 23 November 2012

Production Roles - Miss Georgiou

Production Roles

Within a film production there are many crucial roles that must be allocated to a group of people so that the formulation of producing the film flows and is well organised. 

Main Roles within a film production

The camera operator is in control of the camera at the direction of the Cinematographer, Director of Photography or the film director to capture the scenes within a film in the way that they anticipate it. Camera operators do this by carefully following instructions given to them regarding shot composition and development. The way the camera seamlessly moves with ease is a key responsibility of the camera operator as it is essential to the narrative flow of films. Camera operators are also usually the first to use the eye piece and therefore assess how all the elements of the scene will come together to create a substantial cinematic experience.

An actors job is to bring characters in a film to life. They employ speech, movement and expression to take upon a role in a natural and believable way for the audience to enjoy and understand. They would also have to learn their lines and continually rehearse before filming would begin, so that they could deliver their performance to the satisfaction that the director anticipates.

Sound technicians have a complex role which involves setting up, testing and operating sound equipment to suit the particular scene that is being shot, and also servicing, maintaining and repairing all sound equipment. They have to decide the best locations to place microphones and they also have to adjust them accordingly. Monitoring audio signals is also a major job for sound technicians to do, to make sure sound quality is maintained throughout the duration of what they are filming.

The film editors has the role of assembling the various shots into a certain order to create a coherent film, with the help of the Director. There are usually a number of assistant editors working with and alongside the film editor to ensure a successful outcome. 

The film director has the responsiblity of overseeing the creative aspects of a film, which include; directing the performances of actors, controlling the flow and content of the films' storyline and managing technical details such as the positioning of the cameras, the use of lighting and the content and timing of the films' soundtrack. Although film directors have an great deal of power over the film, they are ultimately subordinate to the film producer/s. 

The location manager takes upon the role of overseeing the locations department and its staff, usually reporting directly to the production manager and/or assistant director. Location managers are responsible for acquiring permission to use a location for filming and often assist production/finance departments to maintain budget management regarding location fees. 
The storyboard organiser has the role of organising the storyboard with the correct visual ideas and anticipations for the outcome of the film. They also have the responsibility of making sure that all aspects of the storyboard are accurate. 

Roles within our group
For our thriller opening we have asked Evie and Billy to be our actors. This is because they both have previous acting experience and are willing to take part in our thriller opening. They also fit the criteria of the young children we were hoping to cast.
Within our group we decided that the role of camera operator should be allocated to myself. This is because I took upon this role during the preliminary task and it proved a success. Also I am familiar with the camera due to this which means that the filming process will be less time consuming as I am aware of how the camera works.
The sound technician role has been given to all three of us in my group. This is because we believe sound is an important aspect of our thriller opening, therefore allowing us all to have an input into this part of our opening will mean the outcome will be as we all anticipate it to be. Also the role of the editor has been allocated to all three of us so we can all have an equal input into the sequence of our filming and therefore the outcome will also be how we all believe it should be.
The film director role has been given to Daisy as we believe she will be the best person to work alongside the actors as she has a clear artistic view of what we visualise our opening to be like.
The Location manager role has been given to Danniella as she is keen to decide on appropriate locations and we believe she will be best for this job as she has a keen eye for a successful frame.
All three of us have also taken on the role of storyboard organisers so that we all have an input of our ideas, and can link them together in the way that we all believe will work the best.


  1. This post shows a good understanding of the different production roles that are essential within a film production. You have definied each role well and you have also started to consider your group and the role that they will be taking well.

    Who is the camera operator and why?

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of the various production roles and how they are used within the production stages of a production.
