Saturday 24 November 2012

Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou

Risk Assessment

Risk assessments are created to identify potential problems that may happen during the filming process. This allows group members to plan what would take place in the event of one of the risks becoming a real hazard. It has a great impact on how safe group members and actors feel during the filming production which is essential to be positive so that everyone has a great experience.

The chart incorporated above displays any hazards that may come upon group members or actors during the filming process. It also states how we will assess and take precaution of any hazards that do occur. My group produced this chart on Microsoft Word and completed it together so that we could ensure the safety of group members and actors during the filming of our thriller opening scene.

1 comment:

  1. This shows a good understanding of what a risk assessment is and why it is important to consider. This also shows evidence of group planning well
