Saturday 1 December 2012

Group Storyboard - Miss Georgiou

Group Storyboard

Each member in my group created their own individual storyboards portraying their ideas for our thriller opening scene. We then came together and collided our ideas to create a final group storyboard. We decided upon certain shots that we believed would create the best effect overall once put together with all the other elements of our opening. For example we included close up shots to reveal significant points of the opening to the audience and long shots to portray the location to the viewers.

Creating our final group storyboard has allowed us to have full outline of what we want to achieve when we film our thriller opening. We also, as a group, feel a lot more prepared now we have a storyboard, because we have something to follow and refer to during the filming production. The storyboard my group created is conventional to a thriller film as we mostly included low key lighting for our shots to convey a sense of darkness upon the viewer. We also stated we'd include slow pace editing which would create suspense and build the audiences anticipation and in contrast fast pace editing to enhance the audiences thrill as we anticipate that they would be on the edge of their seats while watching our thriller opening. 


  1. This post shows some evidence of group planning and this is because you have considered all the individual ideas.

    Aim to include a summary at the end to show your understanding of how your group storyboards are conventional to a thriller.

  2. Well done, this post now demonstrates a sound understanding of why group storyboards are important to include within a production
