Monday 10 December 2012

Thriller Sound - Ms Frisendar

Thriller Sound 
Before the filming process for our thriller opening scene began we had to
take into consideration the sound we wished to use throughout. This meant
our group had to come together to discuss our ideas with regards to what our
group storyboard reflected. During our discussion we decided upon which
diegetic and non-diegetic sounds we wanted to include.
During the very beginning of our opening scene we will employ an ambient soundtrack to create an eerie atmosphere as the idea that Billy has schizophrenia is revealed. The use of the sound links in with the idea that Billy is unstable. At the begining of our opening scene we will incoporate diegetic sound of a clock ticking whilst Billy is preparing the tablet in the drink that is for Evie. We have chosen to use this sound as we hope to create an effect on the audience as we present to them the slow passing of time which links in with his slightly odd thought pattern due to his schizophrenia. Also during this part of the opening scene we hope to include the sound of the pill being dropped into the water and the fizzing of it as it dissolves. This is to emphasise the ongoings of what Billy is doing, which we hope will create a great impact on the viewers. The audience will also be presented with the dialogue where Billy tells Evie to drink the mixture which will raise the suspicions of the audience.
Further into the opening scene as the nightmare begins to happen we will
incoporate heavy breathing and the sound of a heartbeat during the fast pace
shots of Billy and Evie running through the forest. This is to heighten the
audiences experieneces as their suspense levels are greatly increased. Also
during the nightmare we hope to include the sound of crunching leaves as
they run through the forest. This is because we were unable to achieve the
correct sounds during filming and also to heighten the effect of the forest
location upon the audience. Throughout the nightmare reversing we will also include an soundtrack to enhance the idea of the audience being taken back to reality which we hope we have a substantial effect on the viewers.

1 comment:

  1. You discuss the sound in your opening Emma but not in enough detail. Watch back over your opening and make notes of all of the sounds both diegetic and non-diegetic. Then analyse the reasons behind the sounds that you chose and analyse if any connotations are associated to the sounds.
